
HEALED OF SEVERE ALZHEIMER'S. Have you ever seen Alzheimer's/Dementia healed? IT'S A MIRACLE!

Peter rapidly deteriorated mentally over the last year. He was diagnosed with moderate to severe Alzheimer's Disease. His short term memory was gone. He used to stare vacantly for hours. During prayer at the Brisbane Revival Miracle Meeting he felt a strength and confidence came into him. The sickness was commanded to leave in Jesus Name.

Confession of sexual sin brings major spinal healing & deliverance

Christina suffered grade 4 spondylosis, severe Spinal stenosis, Spina Bifida, and damaged discs. Through prophecy the Lord revealed that she had a past of sexual immorality. She confessed to having previously been a stripper, prostitute, and addicted to porn. Upon her confession the power of God came upon her. When she arrived home she began sweating drops of sweat as the Lord delivered and healed her. She came back two weeks later to testify of her healing and deliverance. Demonstrating her amazing healing.

Multiple People HEALED OF CANCER who were NOT PRESENT for prayer. PROPHECY brings breakthrough.

Pastor Thomas requested prayer for his church members suffering from terminal cancer at the Queenstown Revival Miracle Meeting. He received a prophecy from apostle Mark, and then returned home to his church. Years later he returned to testify of their healing. All things are possible when you put your faith in Jesus Christ.

PROPHECY: "YOU WILL COME BACK WITH A BABY TO TESTIFY". Conceived 1 month later. Fruit of the womb.

This couple had been trying to have a child for 7 years. They walked into the Miracle Meeting in Modesto, CA. They came in late due to heavy traffic. They were located by the Holy Spirit upon entering the room. They were given a prophecy that they would return with a baby. 18 months later they came back in the Bradford Impartation service to testify with the baby in the mother's arms. All glory to Jesus.

FAMILY TRANSFORMED: Mum in psych ward, suffering mental illness & violent. Repentance & forgiveness

Annetta shares her incredible story of how Jesus delivered and healed her. It is a wonderful story of how God saved a family that could have been destroyed. Annetta tells the story of her descent into a mental health abyss where she couldn't work or function. She felt that because of her, the children were at risk. The deliverance came when she chose to submit to her husband and to the Word of God, and her daughter forgave her. She repented and Jesus stepped in. She left the psych ward, returned home, and is now working as a teacher. The family is blessed and happy.

Muslim healed of stroke and gives his life to Jesus

This Muslim man had a stroke. It was difficult to walk and he used a cane. As well someone knocked him over and he fractured his rib. He was on pain killers and in a lot of pain. His Christian friend drove him 13 hours to the Calgary Revival Miracle Meetings in faith, believing that Jesus would heal him. The Muslim said that if he was healed he would give his life to Jesus. The power of Jesus Christ healed the man of his stroke at the meeting. The Lord saw the faith of his friend. The Muslim man then shouted, calling on the Name of Jesus.